Friday, December 7, 2007

First Snow

I just watched a movie called "First Snow," and now I'm thinking some things:

1. Why did the movie end like that and make me mad?

2. If you want a scene to be a so-called "good-lookin' scene," put Piper Perabo in it and just see what happens.

3. I wish they had shown more of the "Snow."

4. Did I like the movie or did I not like the movie?

5. I'm thirsty.

6. Am I? Could I possibly—? Yep, I'm in love with Piper Perabo.

None of this means that I'm recommending the movie, though I wouldn't not recommend it, especially to people who like only a little snow and Piper Perabo and movies with endings that make me mad. It's a bit slow, in parts, but in an interesting way, and it develops a subtle, creepy suspense that's very effective and causes you to get all worried that something might actually happen to Piper Perabo (her character, I mean, but somehow that's just as bad...or good, if worry's what you're looking to feel). And then, later, you begin to wish they'd show more snow, and maybe five or ten (perhaps a hundred?) more good-lookin' scenes, maybe with a light snow swirling in the background. And when it ends (when you're a little upset about how it ended—even if that ending's necessary—and you turn off the TV and sit quietly for a while, staring blankly into the darkness, looking back over your life and wondering, How can I make Piper Perabo mine?), you get real thirsty for pretty much any kind of juice. Sound good? Well, then I guess you might wanna rent it.

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