Friday, December 21, 2012

Far Enough East

Have a look at the eclectic first issue of Far Enough East (H.A.L. Publishing's new online literary journal), of which I am a part.  There's some really cool stuff in here:

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, ZZZZ...

This film is about white men who say things to each other and sometimes don't say things to each other.  When they're not doing either of these two things, they often say things to each other while not saying things to each other.  Also, there's a mole and I'm asleep...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Script Pipeline and I Did Interview Stuff

You can find some good questions, and some pretty-okay responses by me, if you open this link:

If you don't like good questions, and pretty-okay responses by me, then have a look at this tasty picture of a cruller (not bad, eh?):