Sure, you've changed a little. Some people are cursing you all over town for that, as if you're the Antichrist (or maybe just the penis scene in that movie, Antichrist). But not this guy. You hear me, Netflix? That's right, I'm talking to you; because, apart from the two movies delivered to my mailbox every weekend, I often stream 1-3 films/TV episodes a night, just to have something on in the background, just because I can -- so often that, even considering your recent changes, I feel as if I'm cheating you.
You don't always have what I want in the way that I want, and you didn't even try to stop me from streaming that one movie with that hot chick in it (which was only bearable in those moments when she couldn't find her clothes and wasn't even looking for them); but what inorganic super-colossus could please me always, or stop me from watching those moments of that one movie...again? Seriously, Netty, you've given me plenty of joy over the last few years. And you're not the only one who's changing, you know; as of now, I have no plans to watch that movie a fifth time. Because, as hot as that hot chick is, she doesn't have my heart. You, Sugar Lumps, have my heart.